Friday, March 8, 2013

Ko te kai a te rangatira ko te korero

 Language is the food of chiefs
Rico (Pangarau)  Lorenze (Panui me Tuhituhi)  and Tawera (Reo Māori)
Our Rangatira Kaupapa
In akomanga toru we each take a turn to be the "Rangatira o te Ra" - 'The chief of the day'. 
The role entails;
Deliver a mihi to open our day
Leading our daily karakia
Acknowledging those present within the classroom with a mihi
Able to be the first speaker for morning kōrero 
Being the leader of the line whenever we need to move around kura
Choose books to be read
Sit on a special chair
Help give out books and pens
This week we acknowledge our Rangatira Kaupapa - Rico, Lorenze and Tawera. These are our chiefs who can help us with any problems - maths, reading and writing and reo Māori. Tau kē tama!

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