Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Poi Toa - Traditional Maori game

POI TOA were used by men to develop the skills and strength needed for weapons such as taiaha and patu.Typically they were made from harakeke (flax) and raupo (bullrush) and sometimes they were filled with rocks also used to practice evading.
There is a different tikanga (protocol) around the use of poitoa, it is designed to throw around, hit the ground and it's ok to hit people with it, but remember they may have a poi too and it may be filled with rocks! The head of the poi is called the KI and the tail TE AHO, the bit where the Ki is tied to TE AHO is known as AWE 


Te Tikanga Rua Reo have had the privilege of having Matua Tango and Whaea Alana come into kura to share Poi Toa with tamariki. We played 2 games. 
Game 1: Release the Poi Toa so that it lands in the bin. The distance from the bin increases as you move around the square.
Game 2: Tag

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