
Wiki Tuawaru
He aha te mahi kei te haere?

  • Nau mai haere mai -  Hikurangi Moon and Reremoana Ngawai who have already had a full week with us. Welcome Whaea Tessa (Hikurangi's mum)
  • Weeks 8 to 10 - SWIMMING. Please send your tamaiti to kura with their togs, towel, goggles and a swimming bag every day until the end of the year please. (ALL NAMED)
  • Thursday 5th December - Years 2 & 3 have their school athletics (pp from last week). House colour kakahu, drink bottle, big lunch, sun block and a hat. Watch out for notices. Year 0/1 will be in Room 2

Wiki Tuaono
A big huge congratulations to all our wonderful tamariki for the fantastic day you provided us with your recent successes at our Manu Kōrero. The following tamariki were placed first, second and third respectively in the Year 2 section with a special commendation to one of our youngest members of our akomanga. The biggest winner on the day however was of course, TE REO MAORI. 
  1. Rico Rini
  2. Te Po Manawatu
  3. Te Rore Kuka Haika
Highly commended: Mihiana Biddle
He aha te mahi kei te haere?
Athletics Day organisation - all tamariki are in year level categories. They are as follows
Year 0     -     5A Boys    Lions - Uenuku, Raumana
Year 1     -     5B Boys    Jaguar - Makani, Jakaia, Phoenix, Marley, 
Year 0     -     5A Girls    Leopard - Mihiana
Year 1     -     5B Girls    Puma - Aaliyah
Year 1     -     6 year old girls  Cheetah - Dyani
Please remember; wear house colours, a sunhat, sunblock, a good sized drink bottle, a picnic lunch to share with your tamaiti at lunchtime.
  • Tuesday 19th - Yr 0/1 athletics 10.30am, postponement day Thursday 
  • Thursday 21st - Trip to Tuahiwi. 
  • Friday 22nd - Sausage sizzle lunch, orders taken Thurday

Wiki Tuarima
Aue taukiri, kua tere te haere o ngā wiki.
  • He mihi i te tuatahi ki te katoa mo tōu āwhina i te Rāhoroi. TTRR raised $153.00. A fabulous day had by all.
  • Permission slips to Tuahiwi marae 21st November 2013 are due
  • Library day is Thursday. Some tamariki have outstanding pukapuka.  These can incur a fee. Remember to get these back in each week.
  • Next Tuesday the 19th the Year 0 and Year 1 tamariki will be having their athletics day (PP Thursday) Starts at 10.30 and finishes at 2.30 pm. Tamariki are to wear house colours.
  • House colours are; Mihiana - whero, Uenuku - kakariki, Marley - kahurangi, Raumana - kowhai
  • Year 2 and Year 3 tamariki will be having their athletics day on Thursday 28th November.
  • Help to raise funds for St Albans school. Log into "Our School Project" on the school website, answer a few questions, its that simple.
He aha te mahi kei te haere?
Rapare 14 - Thursday 14th
Manu Kōrero starting at 9.30 am and finishing about lunch time. Thank you for your continuing support with helping your tamaiti learn their kōrero.
We will conclude our speeches with a shared kai.

Ramere 15 Friday 15th
Show Day - Holiday

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