Monday, June 17, 2013

Matariki Celebrations

Kia tiaho mai a Matariki ki runga i a koutou katoa i tenei wa o te tau.
Let Matariki shine down on you all today, and for the rest of the Maori New Year

Today we celebrated Matariki with a number of activities. 
Along with making; fried bread, vegetable bake, fruit kebabs and 'fairy star bread', we also made a pork bone boil up, we had soup, and were fortunate to have one of our nanny's make a rewana for us. Of course it wasn't just about kai. We also listened to stories and made Matariki cards. A busy but wonderful day, with many thanks to our fantastic whānau support.
Tunu i te paraoa parai
Whakarite i ngā hua whenua
Ngā rākau hua rākau
Ngā whetu patupaiarehe
Kai i te hākari
Waiata kinaki ki te whānau

Anei ētahi kōrero
Matariki shines bright, really bright and Matariki sisters.

Matariki is about the stars and about the seven stars and they made a plan to starve them. Then the husbands made a plan to trap the seven stars.

Te Po
You can read about Matariki and it is fun to make things out of weeds. You can fish about Matariki and we can plant trees and we can plant vegetables and we can plant flowers.

Te Rore
Matariki, they can light they can sparkle, and also you can read about them and maybe people think its fun.

Matariki, you can make a fire.

Matariki sparkly stars

Te Ra Hangu
Matariki is the stars.


Ko Matariki he whetu e whitu nga whetu he nui ratou he tuahine ratou, e whitu o ratau, he maha nga ingoa me he whetu ratau he nui ake ratau i te kuri me mahi me wakarererangi me whare me motoka me kuri me puru.

When it is Matariki it is called the maori new year. When it is matariki you can also celebrate. You can write about matariki. 


You can celebrate Matariki by talking about them and flying a kite and you can weave flax and that is some of the things you can do with Matariki.

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